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"Gallum galla gilla ma."

February 28, 2003

Yey-ah! Vacation for ONE WHOLE WEEK! The time for pure, undisturbed DX-mapping is nigh!

In other news, I'm planning on upgrading my system (which at the time of this writing is an AMD Duron 850 MHz with 256 MB SDRAM). I'm going to buy an Intel P4 2.4, 512 MB DDR RAM and a new motherboard (haven't decided specs or brand yet).

I've also got some elma updates:

  • 13. Hill Legend: 00:21:95 - 00:21:59
  • 24. Ramp Frenzy: 01:37:65 - 01:25:63
  • 27. Shelf Life: 00:57:73 - 00:55:70
  • 35. Labyrinth Pro: 04:36:88 - 04:32:24
  • 37. Jaws: 01:40:59 - 01:36:27

Random rant: Why, oh why do I see Comic Sans MS almost everywhere I turn? What do people see in it? Are they simply too lazy to browse through fonts? Probably. Gah, Comic Sans MS sucks...

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