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"Your arm's only physical when you're thinking about it."

May 5, 2004

MathML is very cool, and viewing a piece of MathML in, say, Firefox (with the associated fonts) is an utter bliss. But do you realize how extremely verbose it really is? Take the example of x^2. Here's how you would mark it up with HTML:


Which renders as such:


Here's the same expression in MathML:

<math xmlns="">

Which renders like this (assuming, of course, you're using Firefox or Mozilla):


Not really too verbose. But it gets worse if you have something like 2x^5a. HTML:


Which renders as:


And with MathML:

<math xmlns="">

And rendered:


That's pretty verbose, no? There are several reasons why I bother.

  1. It's superior to using images and plain text.
  2. It can nest expressions to arbitrary depths.
  3. It prints and renders well.
  4. It's computable. I haven't seen a UA which can do this yet, nor have I really looked for one. But the idea is exciting.

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