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"Death by irony is always painful."

August 16, 2004

"Psykopaten havner i fengsel i kanskje 4-5 år, soner halvparten, slipper ut igjen og dreper enda en person. Har vi det så bra i landet at vi må sørge for å passe godt på psykopatene våre og la dem drepe fritt så vi får krydder i form av angst og redsel til livene våre? Det vi skulle gjort var å sende alle de uhelbredelige psykopatene til en øde øy og la dem drepe og rane hverandre til det ikke var noen igjen. Jeg er overbevist om at alle gjennomsnitts oppegående mennesker hadde hatt godt av å slippe å frykte døden i en trist bakgate i Oslo. Tenk positivt! Tenk smart! Tenk på fremtiden din! Flytt til nordpolen."


If you didn't understand that, you need to learn Norwegian, then come back. Then, follow this link to Kim's site and read his shit. He's like Maddox, only Norwegian and better at webdesign.

On request from Trevor Morris, here's a translation of the quoted passage above:

"Psychopaths go to prison for maybe 4-5 years, spend about half of that time there, get released, and kill yet another person. Are we really so comfortable in this country that we have to take good care of our psychopaths and let them kill freely so that our lives are spiced up in the form of anxiety and fear? What we should do is send all the uncurable psychopaths to a deserted island and let them kill and rob each other until none were left. I'm convinced that avarage, enlightened people would be pleased to be able to not fear death in a sad alley in Oslo. Think positively! Think of your future! Move to the North Pole."

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