Books —

"Written laws are like spiders' webs; they will catch, it is true, the weak and poor, but would be torn in pieces by the rich and powerful."

Listing books in the Tom Clancy's Op-Center series (4)

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by Jeff Rovin and 2 more
Front of _Op-Center_
Series: Tom Clancy's Op-Center (1/20)
by Jeff Rovin and 2 more
Front of _Games of State_
Series: Tom Clancy's Op-Center (3/20)
by Jeff Rovin and 2 more
Front of _Acts of War_
Series: Tom Clancy's Op-Center (4/20)
by Jeff Rovin and 2 more
Front of _State of Siege_
Series: Tom Clancy's Op-Center (6/20)

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