Books —

"First, Karl had to download and install a package called pgf. Then it turns out that inside this package there is another package called TikZ, which is supposed to stand for "TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm". Karl finds this all a bit strange and TikZ seems to indicate that the package does not do what he needs."

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The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence

Ray Kurzweil (author)
Original language:
Computing and science
Publication year:

The first part explains the Law of Accelerating Returns, discusses the idea of an intelligence (us) creating a greater intelligence (computers), and how a machine would deal with ambiguities of language (there are at least four ways of interpreting the sentence "time flies like an arrow", laid out in the book). The second part deals with preparing the present, and discusses different ways of building brains (and uploading already-built brains to another substrate). The third part is a journey through the twenty-first century, with stops for snapshots at 2009, 2019, 2029, and 2099. At the end of each chapter is an imaginary talk with an imaginary reader, Molly, which helps explain things.

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