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"Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them."

September 7, 2024

A year has gone by, and not a single update. Shame! So then, what's up?

I've put my Twitch streaming endeavor on pause, but it's still on my mind. It was a sort of experiment to see how I liked it, and how long I would like to keep it up. The truth is that I love streaming, and I do have plans to continue, but there are simply too many things happening in my life these days to make it a priority. In particular (and to recap a bit), this May I finished up my Master's Thesis, and finally got my degree as a science teacher. Then, June and July were more or less spent moving across the country, in addition to job hunting. The job hunt paid off! I'm now a bona fide teacher, and it feels wonderful to finally be working! Onwards and upwards.

So things are starting to stabilize and settle down, meaning I'll have more time to focus on my hobbies. (Well, as much time as a full-time working father of two and husband can reasonably hope to get!) My priority is getting all those features and quality-of-life updates for my Books page implemented. (See the news entry for September 17, 2022 for a list.) I have in fact been working on and off on cleaning up the backend for this to be a reality for the past couple of months, but there's nothing to show for it yet.

Also, I noticed something I forgot to do, namely to add a link to the Off-site section of the navbar to my Discord server, so if you feel so inclined, head over and say "hi!"

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