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"The secret does seem to be hard work, yes, but it's also a kind of blind passion, an inspiration."

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Listing books by Ray Bradbury (15)

Author info

Author name:
Ray Bradbury
Full name:
Ray Douglas Bradbury
Pen names:
'Oz' Bradbury, Archibald Bradbury, Brett Sterling, Brian Eldred, Cecil Claybourne Cunninghahm, D. Lerium Tremaine, D. R. Banat, Doug Rogers, Dr. Acula's Daw, Ffffft., Filosofer Kno Knuth Ing, Guy Amory, Herald Hershey, Hollerbochen, Howe, Kno Knuth Ing, Ron Reynolds, The Editor, V. Swyptem, Ye Editor and Yo Editor

As author (10)

As editor and writer of introduction (1)

As writer of introduction (1)

by Edgar Rice Burroughs and 3 more
Front of _A Princess of Mars_
Series: Barsoom (1/11)
Pub. series: Modern Library Classics (n/m)

As contributor (3)

by Charles Waugh and 7 more
Front of _After the End_
by Isaac Asimov and 14 more
Front of _Spells_

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