"You have only one awareness here—the screen of the magi: Imagination! Here, you learn what it is to be human. You are a creator of order, of beautiful shapes and systems, an organizer of chaos."
Alex Merriman, Alexander Blade, Calvin Aaargh, Calvin Knox, Calvin M. Knox, Charles D. Hammer, Clyde Mitchell, Dan Eliot, Dan Malcolm, David Challon, David Osborne, Dirk Clinton, Don Elliott, E. K. Jarvis, Eric Rodman, George Osborne, Gerald Vance, Gordon Aghill, Hall Thornton, Ivar Jorgensen, Ivar Jorgenson, Jeremy Dunn, John Dexter, Jonas Ward, Leonard G. Spencer, Loren Beauchamp, Mark Ryan, Marlene Longman, Ralph Burke, Randall Garrett, Ray McKensie, Richard F. Watson, Richard Greer, Robert Arnette, Robert Randall, S. M. Tenneshaw, Stan Vincent, T. D. Bethlen, T. E. Bethlen, Walter Drummond, Warren Kastel and Webber Martin