Books —

"Look at you, Hacker… A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"

Listing only books originally written in french (12)

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by Michel Onfray and 2 more
Front of _Vi trenger ikke Gud_
by Gustave Flaubert and 2 more
Front of _Madame Bovary_
Pub. series: Wonders of the World (n/m)
by Victor Hugo and 3 more
Front of _Hunchback of Notre-Dame_
Pub. series: Wordsworth Classics (n/m)
by Jules Verne and 3 more
Front of _Journey to the Centre of the Earth_
Series: Extraordinary Voyages (3/54)
Pub. series: Wordsworth Classics (n/m)
by Jules Verne and 5 more
Front of _The Mysterious Island_
Series: Extraordinary Voyages (12/54)
Pub. series: Wordsworth Classics (n/m)

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