Books —

"First, Karl had to download and install a package called pgf. Then it turns out that inside this package there is another package called TikZ, which is supposed to stand for "TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm". Karl finds this all a bit strange and TikZ seems to indicate that the package does not do what he needs."

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Towers of Midnight

Robert Jordan (author), Brandon Sanderson (co-author), Ellisa Mitchell (illustrator), Matthew C. Nielsen (illustrator) and Darrell Sweet (covers)
Original language:
Tor Books
Fantasy and novel
Wheel of Time (13/14)
Publication year:
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Table of Contents:
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  • MAPS
  • PROLOGUE: Distinctions
  1. Apples First
  2. Questions of Leadership
  3. The Amyrlin's Anger
  4. The Pattern Groans
  5. Writings
  6. Questioning Intentions
  7. Lighter than a Feather
  8. The Seven-Striped Lass
  9. Blood in the Air
  10. After the Taint
  11. An Unexpected Letter
  12. An Empty Ink Bottle
  13. For What Has Been Wrought
  14. A Vow
  15. Use a Pebble
  16. Shanna'har
  17. Partings, and a Meeting
  18. The Strength of This Place
  19. Talk of Dragons
  20. A Choice
  21. An Open Gate
  22. The End of a Legend
  23. Foxheads
  24. To Make a Stand
  25. Return to Bandar Eban
  26. Parley
  27. A Call to Stand
  28. Oddities
  29. A Terrible Feeling
  30. Men Dream Here
  31. Into the Void
  32. A Storm of Light
  33. A Good Soup
  34. Judgment
  35. The Right Thing
  36. An Invitation
  37. Darkness in the Tower
  38. Wounds
  39. In the Three-fold Land
  40. A Making
  41. An Unexpected Ally
  42. Stronger than Blood
  43. Some Tea
  44. A Backhanded Request
  45. A Reunion
  46. Working Leather
  47. A Teaching Chamber
  48. Near Avendesora
  49. Court of the Sun
  50. Choosing Enemies
  51. A Testing
  52. Boots
  53. Gateways
  54. The Light of the World
  55. The One Left Behind
  56. Something Wrong
  57. A Rabbit for Supper
  • EPILOGUE: And After
  • Glossary

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