The Selfish Gene
- Authors:
- Richard Dawkins (author) and Simon Levy (covers)
- Language:
- English
- Original language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Oxford University Press
- Publication year:
- 2006
- Original publication year:
- 1976
- 978-0-19-929115-1
- Pages:
- 360
- Synopsis:
A pretty comprehensive guide to evolution, and the second book that introduced the gene-centric view of evolution (namely, that genes use bodies — survival machines — to pass themselves on, rather than organisms using genes to pass their traits on). The main goal of the book is to explain altruistic behavior and to dispel the myth that just because genes are selfish, we must (or should) be selfish, and I think it succeeds. The book also introduced the concept of memes (supposed to rhyme with genes), which are units of culture (like a catchy tune or a piece of trivia or a certain way of walking) that are capable of being copied from mind to mind.
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- High-res images:
- [Back (10.33 MB)] [Spine (1.51 MB)] [Front (11.62 MB)]
- Table of Contents:
- [Toggle visibility]
- Introduction to 30th anniversary edition
- Preface to second edition
- Foreword to first edition
- Preface to first edition
- Why are people?
- The replicators
- Immortal coils
- The gene machine
- Aggression: stability and the selfish machine
- Genesmanship
- Family planning
- Battle of the generations
- Battle of the sexes
- You scratch my back, I'll ride on yours
- Memes: the new replicators
- Nice guys finish first
- The long reach of the gene
- Endnotes
- Updated bibliography
- Index and key to bibliography
- Extracts from reviews