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Why I Became an Atheist: Personal Reflections and Additional Arguments

John W. Loftus (author)
Original language:
Trafford Publishing
Memoir and religion
Publication year:
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Table of Contents:
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  • Introduction
  • 1 A Summary of My Case Against Christianity

Part One: Personal Reflections

  • 2 Excerpts From Letters to Dr. Virgil Warren
  • 3 A Letter to Dr. Games D. Strauss
  • 4 A Word About My Deconversion.
  • 5 Were We Former Christians? It Depends.
  • 6 Ex-Christians and the Church of Christ
  • 7 How I Got To Where I Am Today
  • 8 What is My Motivation for Debunking Christianity?
  • 9 Are We Angry Atheists?
  • 10 On Dealing With Apostates Like Us.
  • 11 I Am Not a New Atheist!
  • 12 I'm a Freethinker First, and an Atheist Second.
  • 13 Don't Quote Homer To Me!
  • 14 What If I'm Wrong?
  • 15 The Plight of the Preacher
  • 16 No More Funerals!
  • 17 Brenda, My Former "Sister-in-Christ" Visited Me.
  • 18 Interview with Infidelis Maximus.
  • 19 The Friendly Atheist Interview.
  • 20 Some Advice for People Who Leave the Faith.

Part Two: Additional Arguments

  • 21 I Agree With William Lane Craig!
  • 22 Where's The Beef? And Where's the Evidence?
  • 23 Absence of Evidence and the Evidence of Absence
  • 24 The Argument From the Scale of the Universe.
  • 25 The Fall of Adam Is No Answer to Evil
  • 26 Chess and the Problem of Evil
  • 27 The Parental Analogy
  • 28 Can Prayer Change the Past?
  • 29 Christianity and Philosophy
  • 30 The Achilles' Heel of Christianity
  • 31 Two Problems with Calvinism
  • 32 The Pharisees: Were They That Bad?
  • 33 Preterism: an Admission Jesus Failed to Return
  • 34 Embarrassing Elements in the Gospels
  • 35 How Can God Judge Us All Fairly?
  • 36 Biblical Scholarship Leads to Greater Doubt
  • 37 The History of Christianity Debunks Itself
  • 38 Christians are Fearful of Doubting
  • 39 Pascal's Wager Revisited
  • 40 The Problem of Animal Suffering Revisited
  • 41 The Virgin Birth Revisited
  • 42 The Problem With Liberal Theology
  • 43 An Atheistic Ethic.
  • 44 Why I Reject Reincarnation

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