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Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist

Richard Dawkins (author) and Gillian Somerscales (editor)
Original language:
Bantam Books
Anthology, essay and science
Publication year:
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Table of Contents:
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  • Author's introduction
  • Editor's introduction

I The value(s) of science

  • The values of science and the science of values
  • Speaking up for science: an open letter to Prince Charles
  • Science and sensibility
  • Dolittle and Darwin

II All its merciless glory

  • 'More Darwinian than Darwin': the Darwin—Wallace papers
  • Universal Darwinism
  • An ecology of replicators
  • Twelve misunderstandings of kin selection

Ill Future conditional

  • Net gain
  • Intelligent aliens
  • Searching under the lamp-post
  • Fifty years on: killing the soul?

IV Mind control, mischief and muddle

  • The 'Alabama Insert'
  • The guided missiles of 9/11
  • The theology of the tsunami
  • Merry Christmas, Prime Minister!
  • The science of religion
  • Is science a religion?
  • Atheists for Jesus

V Living in the real world

  • The dead hand of Plato
  • 'Beyond reasonable doubt'?
  • But can they suffer?
  • I love fireworks, but...
  • Who would rally against reason?
  • In praise of subtitles; or, a drubbing for dubbing
  • If I ruled the world...

VI The sacred truth of nature

  • About time
  • The giant tortoise's tale: islands within islands
  • The sea turtle's tale: there and back again (and again?)
  • Farewell to a digerati dreamer

VII Laughing at live dragons

  • Fundraising for faith
  • The Great Bus Mystery
  • Jarvis and the Family Tree
  • Gerin Oil
  • Sage elder statesman of the dinosaur fancy
  • Athorism: let's hope it's a lasting vogue
  • Dawkins' Laws

VIII No man is an island

  • Memories of a maestro
  • O my beloved father: John Dawkins, 1915-2010
  • More than my uncle: A. F. 'Bill' Dawkins, 1916-2009
  • Honouring Hitch
  • Sources and acknowledgements
  • Bibliography of works cited
  • Index

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