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Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier

Neil deGrasse Tyson (author), Avis Lang (editor) and Chin-Yee Lai (covers)
Original language:
W. W. Norton
Anthology, astronomy and science
Publication year:
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Table of Contents:
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  • Editor's Note
  • Prologue: Space Politics

Part I: Why

  • 1. The Allure of Space
  • 2. Exoplanet Earth
  • 3. Extraterrestrial Life
  • 4. Evil Aliens
  • 5. Killer Asteroids
  • 6. Destined for the Stars
  • 7. Why Explore
  • 8. The Anatomy of Wonder
  • 9. Happy Birthday, NASA
  • 10. The Next Fifty Years in Space
  • 11. Space Options
  • 12. Paths to Discovery

Part II: How

  • 13. To Fly
  • 14. Going Ballistic
  • 15. Race to Space
  • 16. 2001—Fact vs. Fiction
  • 17. Launching the Right Stuff
  • 18. Things Are Looking Up
  • 19. For the Love of Hubble
  • 20. Happy Anniversary, Apollo 11
  • 21. How to Reach the Sky
  • 22. The Last Days of the Space Shuttle
  • 23. Propulsion for Deep Space
  • 24. Balancing Acts
  • 25. Happy Anniversary, Star Trek
  • 26. How to Prove You've Been Abducted by Aliens
  • 27. The Future of US Space Travel
  • Part III: Why Not

    • 28. Space Travel Troubles
    • 29. Reaching for the Stars
    • 30. America and the Emergent Space Powers
    • 31. Delusions of Space Enthusiasts
    • 32. Perchance to Dream
    • 33. By the Numbers
    • 34. Ode to Challenger, 1986
    • 35. Spacecraft Behaving Badly
    • 36. What NASA Means to America's Future
    • Epilogue: The Cosmic Perspective


    • A. National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, As Amended
    • B. Selected Statutory Provisions Applicable to NASA
    • C. A Half Century of NASA Spending 1959-2010
    • D. NASA Spending 1959-2010
    • E. NASA Spending as a Percentage of US Federal Government Spending and of US GDP 1959-2010
    • F. Space Budgets: US Government Agencies 2010
    • G. Space Budget: Global 2010
    • H. Space Budgets: US and Non-US Governments 2010
    • Acknowledgments
    • Index

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