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How to Outwit Aristotle: And 34 Other Really Interesting Uses of Philosophy

Peter Cave (author) and Crush Creative (covers)
Original language:
Quercus Publishing
Publication year:
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Table of Contents:
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  • Introduction
  1. How to know that you exist
  2. How to awake as a gigantic insect
  3. How to fire the neurons in your head
  4. How to be free
  5. How to outwit Aristotle
  6. How to know what knowledge is
  7. How to stop worrying about the evil genius
  8. How to be a ghost in the machine
  9. How not to have feelings or beliefs
  10. How to tell the future
  11. How to be a philosophical scientist
  12. How to turn noise into meaning
  13. How to know what we are talking about
  14. How to live on slippery slopes
  15. How to judge whom to save
  16. How not to eat people
  17. How not to be harmed by your death
  18. How to be God
  19. How to sympathize with the devil
  20. How to be a monkey endlessly typing
  21. How to be seduced by logic
  22. How to be an object of desire
  23. How not to be nasty, brutish and short
  24. How to tolerate the intolerable
  25. How not to be a three-legged frog
  26. How not to be squeezed by time
  27. How to outdo artificial intelligence
  28. How to deceive yourself
  29. How to love what does not exist
  30. How not to be left looking after the clothes
  31. How to hear the Sirens' song in safety
  32. How to think like a bat
  33. How to see beauty
  34. How to know when to stop
  35. How to bring meaning to life
  • Glossary
  • Index

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