Books —

"I'm sure with the proper training, a bear could probably hold its own in a firefight."

Listing books in the Federated Sentient Planets universe (6)

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Books in the Ship Who... series (1)

by Anne McCaffrey and 2 more
Front of _The Ship Who Searched_
Series: Ship Who... (3/12)

Books in the Crystal Singer series (1)

Books in the Harper Hall series (1)

by Anne McCaffrey and 2 more
Front of _Dragonsong_
Series: Harper Hall (1/3)

Books in the Planet Pirates series (2)

by Anne McCaffrey and 2 more
Front of _Sassinak_
Series: Planet Pirates (1/3)

Books in the Dragonriders of Pern series (1)

by Anne McCaffrey and 2 more
Front of _Dragonflight_
Series: Dragonriders of Pern (1/21)