Books —

"What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"

Listing books in the Cosmere universe (4)

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Books in the Wax and Wayne series (1)

by Brandon Sanderson and 2 more
Front of _The Alloy of Law_
Universe: Cosmere
Series: Wax and Wayne (1/4)

Books in the Mistborn series (3)

by Brandon Sanderson and 3 more
Front of _Mistborn_
Universe: Cosmere
Series: Mistborn (1/3)
by Brandon Sanderson and 3 more
Front of _The Well of Ascension_
Universe: Cosmere
Series: Mistborn (2/3)
by Brandon Sanderson and 3 more
Front of _The Hero of Ages_
Universe: Cosmere
Series: Mistborn (3/3)