All of these pages are made from scratch in HTML in conjunction with CSS, using Notepad++. No WYSIWYG programs like Frontpage or Dreamweaver were involved.
CSS Media Queries are used to style the pages differently (and more appropriately) depending on the type of viewing device (larger monitors, tablets, and mobile phones).
On the back-end, I use custom-made PHP scripts to automate and simplify maintainence, and the GLU version of MySQL as a database system.
Almost all images on these pages are in the wonderful PNG image format, except for images that are better suited in JPG (mostly for the Books page).
- All my web pages conform to W3C's HTML 5.2 specification. You can use the link at the bottom of each page to run the respective page through the W3C MarkUp Validation Service.
- The external CSS files I use fully conform to the specifications. See the CSS Validator.
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The favicon, a black circle with three smaller cirles embedded within (two white with another black embedded within the largest of the white ones), is the insignia of the Sjet kiith, a fictional political unit in the Homeworld computer game series. (An 816 x 816 PNG version is found here. If, like me, you believe that SVG is the future, here's an SVG version, courtesy of Alexander K. Schrøder.) I chose their insignia as the favicon for my site because I adore their history of science and pascifism. In addition, I have a crush on their greatest neuroscientist, Karan Sjet, who has the cutest voice ever.
Best viewed with
This site is theoretically best viewed with any user agent, on any operating system, running any thinkable resolution. This is because this site is designed using HTML for describing structure, and CSS for describing presentation. The way it should be done.
That said, there are some browsers I do recommend, and those are Google Chrome, Opera, and Mozilla Firefox. Unlike Internet Explorer, these browsers render pages in a much more standard-compliant way.
The purpose of this web site is to spread all (or mostly all) of the information that I find interesting to other people who might find it interesting as well.
Random quotes
At the top of every page is a randomly generated quote. There are currently 356 quotes. They are as follows:
Everything you know is wrong. Black is white, up is down and short is long.
First, Karl had to download and install a package called pgf. Then it turns out that inside this package there is another package called TikZ, which is supposed to stand for "TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm". Karl finds this all a bit strange and TikZ seems to indicate that the package does not do what he needs.
A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen-bit patch to an eight-bit operating system originally coded for a four-bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.
At the chasm of infinity, our cow glances past its precipice, stares down its abyss.
If you can't take the heat, get out of the rocket propulsion test chamber!
As depicted in this flowchart, the scientific method consists of making observations, formulating hypotheses, and designing experiments. A scientist may enter the cycle at any point.
One solution to this is that A = B = 0, but this is the trivial solution from K = 0 and one we ignore since it provides no physical solution to the problem other than the knowledge that 0 = 0, which is not that inspiring of a result.
This specification should be read like all other specifications. First, it should be read cover-to-cover, multiple times. Then, it should be read backwards at least once. Then it should be read by picking random sections from the contents list and following all the cross-references.
Attempts to develop a new language by first inventing the grammar and spelling never seem to result in a language that people find useful.
The references have been deleted in order to protect the guilty and avoid enriching the lawyers.
Mind you, the Null Packet is not created by compressing a packet until it disappears into nothingness. Such a compression scheme might not be reversible.
If you are aware that you have made a mistake, then you should repeat your experiment. "Human error" is not a valid source of uncertainty. If you know that you did something "wrong", then why don’t you do it correctly?
..- -. ... -.-. .-. . .--
The explosives experts had known their job, as is highly desirable that explosives experts should.
What the two drank together, between Hilary Term and Michaelmas, might have floated a king's ship.
There are weapons you cannot hold in your hands. You can only hold them in your mind.
You cannot manipulate a marionette with only one string.
He must not try to understand — only to observe. Understanding would come later, or not at all.
If all artists are abnormal, and all men are artists, we have an interesting syllogism...
Knowledge is an unending adventure on the edge of uncertainty.
Every judgement teeters on the brink of error.
A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.
Sometimes the fluffy bunny of incredulity zooms round the bend so rapidly that the greyhound of language is left, agog, in the starting cage.
Be prudent; oft the random jest recoils upon the jester's head.
Truth suffers from too much analysis.
To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.
Survival is the ability to swim in strange water.
Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere. Climb the mountain just a little bit to test that it's a mountain. From the top of the mountain, you cannot see the mountain.
Ima trava okolo! I korenja okolo!
The hands move, the lips move—Ideas gush from his words, And his eyes devour! He is an island of Selfdom.
Do you wrestle with dreams? Do you contend with shadows? Do you move in a kind of sleep? Time has slipped away. Your life is stolen. You tarried with trifles, Victim of your folly.
The vision of time is broad, but when you pass through it, time becomes a narrow door.
What do you despise? By this are you truly known.
Before the Bene Gesserit, the Jesuits were the best at it.
In the shadow of every religion lurks a Torquemada.
The only past which endures lies wordlessly within you.
The past is always changing, but few realize it.
The best prophets lead you up to the curtain and let you peer through for yourself.
It is unsettling to dream another's dreams.
You have only one awareness here—the screen of the magi: Imagination! Here, you learn what it is to be human. You are a creator of order, of beautiful shapes and systems, an organizer of chaos.
Are they gods? Or are they eaters of gods?
Beware of had-I-wyst, whose fine brings care and smart.
When I talk about myself, all sorts of other factors — values, standards, my own limitations — make me, the narrator, select and eliminate things about me, the narratee.
Understanding is but the sum of our misunderstandings.
Judge me by my deeds, though they are few, rather than my words, though they are many.
It is lovely to watch the coloured shadows on the planets of eternal light.
I really hate this damned machine; / I wish that they would sell it / It never does quite what I want / but only what I tell it.
I one of all other without philosophy, / Have shaped for many a philosophical city.
The pleasures of the mind lie in knowledge, and in that delight which the contemplation of truth carries with it.
Thought in movement has for its only conceivable motive the attainment of belief, or thought at rest.
What's got you so riled up? A new tax on idiots?
As you play Beneath a Steel Sky you are advised to save your game at regular intervals. That way, if you want to backtrack to a certain section and choose a different path, or if you have been careless enough to get Foster into a "negative existence situation", you need not play the whole game from the beginning.
Give me an analysis, Joey...
You saw the blades; what did you think was gonna happen?
If you are afraid to eat something, don't eat it. If you ARE eating something, don't be afraid!
Feeding time is scheduled for noon every day, or whenever a zookeeper falls into a holding cell.
If you hear screaming coming from the research labs, stop listening so hard.
Reload: verb, 1. Something you do after your target is dead.
May the road rise to meet your feet, Mr. Member.
Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow.
A crowbar. Hit someone or something with it. Repeat.
Defenestrated during the Night of Flung Shutters.
How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass?
Gallum galla gilla ma.
Far distant eyes look out through yours.
With my brains and your brawn we'll make an excellent team!
Names are for friends, so I don't need one.
All that moves is easily heard in the void.
Somewhere in the heavens... they are waiting.
They're everywhere!
If a large bomb is allowed to detonate in the Engineering Section, the Marathon would be ^&2``~<Colloquialism Search Error #F9C>
Frog blast the vent core!
Our borders are determined by the range of our guns.
Square root of 912.04 is 30.2... it all seemed harmless...
We're two friends who haven't seen each other since college. Remember that time so-and-so did that thing? Haha!
Tell me what I want or I'll blast your virtual ass into actual dust!
Oh, I'm just too good for my own bad self. Hello, Earth. Who's your daddy? Why, yes, I am.
I am the Shotmaker! No one has ever escaped from here!
This is Big Boss... A body armor? If you were a man you wouldn't need that! ...Over.
Hidden so deep in veils of deceit, imprisoned in twisting spells. / Are we the plaything of fiends, or merely the dreams that we're telling ourselves, telling ourselves?
Wanted: Bullet catchers and grenade testers. Apply in person to General Dripik. Qualified recruits only.
A little hard work never killed anyone important.
Don't play with your food, unless it plays with you first.
If fate frowns, we all perish.
Ooh, that thing has numbers on it.
The Well of Wishes awaits in the Crypt of Decay!
When aren't they heavily armed?
A saved-game file takes about 20 Kbytes on disk, so be sure you've got room for it somewhere.
Literature might call them ghosts. I call them self-hypnotic defects in the R-grade unit.
A thousand eyes look.
That's the TriOptimum way!
Look at you, Hacker… A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?
What is a drop of rain compared to the storm? What is a thought compared to a mind?
Glory to the flesh. Glory to the mass.
This elevator serves me alone. I have complete control over this entire level. With cameras as my eyes and nodes as my hands, I rule here, insect.
You've been trying too hard, thinking too much. Relax. Trust your instincts. Just be yourself. Do the little things, and the big things take care of themselves.
You realize all your life you have been coasting along as if in a dream. Suddenly, facing the trials of the last few days, you have come alive.
It's all suddenly obvious to you. You just have to concentrate. All the energy and time you've wasted — it's a sin. But without the experience you've gained, taking risks, taking responsibility for failure, how could you have understood?
The secret does seem to be hard work, yes, but it's also a kind of blind passion, an inspiration.
No lollygaggin'.
I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee...
I'm not a man, I'm a weapon in human form. Just unsheathe me and point me at the enemy.
I am sworn to carry your burdens.
What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
Oh my! There's a tiny boat in my tea cup!
I am Quater. Read my words, and be my friend.
With how hard my head's pounding, I think they opened my skull and crawled out of my nightmares.
In time of peril, breaketh glass.
Let thine arrow fly into mine crystal eye.
There is nothing so promising as the opening of a book. There is nothing so final as its shutting.
When are they gonna bring me my dinner, that's what I want to know. When are they gonna bring me my dinner?
Builds your roofs of dead wood. Builds your walls of dead stone. Builds your dreams of dead thoughts.
Hammer, anvil, forge and fire, chase away The Hoof'ed Liar. / Roof and doorway, block and beam, chase The Trickster from our dreams.
Cook — Remember to serve the ballerinas only a light supper the night of a performance, lest we have a repeat of little Catherine's unwelcome addition to Thursday night's show. Consider this your first and only warning.
Keeper brethren — stand not against us lest you feel the sting of ignorance's barbs.
Hadst I a hammer, wouldst I hammer in the morning. Wouldst I hammer in the evening, all over this land.
The stone cannot know why the chisel cleaves it; the iron cannot know why the fire scorches it. When thy life is cleft and scorched, when death and despair leap at thee, beat not thy breast and curse thy evil fate, but thank the Builder for the trials that shape thee.
To use thy chisel is to blunt its edge 'gainst the stone. To not use thy chisel is to waste its edge.
What is a tree but a tower that withers and dies? What is a pond but a cistern that stagnates and fills with muck? What is a patch of ground but a road which cracks and washes away?
Here lies the unhappy Brother Dale: buried here as a symbol of lessons not learned.
Death by irony is always painful.
Azda Argos-Tesco!
Among the most dangerous of the denizens of the catacombs below our land is the Invisible Seeker. None have ever seen one of these horrific slayers, for they are—as their name implies—unseeable. Their presence is usually first detected when open wounds suddenly begin appearing on the body of a victim.
You hear someone say, "TURIS-SCIENTIA-MAGNOPERE"
All your character needs now is a name, and the only stipulation here is that the name be no longer than Rumpelstiltskin.
With the greater sophistication of a cosmopolitan atmosphere come the products of human innovation; the sword, the mail, and the tankard of ale.
The Code is thy touchstone, for without it thou are but a speck of dust in the whirlwind of Chaos.
This is a place for crazy people. I'm not crazy.
I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
Another helpful hint for living.
Why, Lord, did you encapsulate so transcendent a composer in the body of an asshole?
From the multiplication tables to calculus in less than an hour. It's like five years at Caltech in less than fifteen seconds!
I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.
I need a computer!
One is glad to be of service.
What if a man from the Upper Paleolithic survived until the present day?
Piety is not what the lessons bring to people, it's the mistakes they bring to the lessons.
I know Kung Fu.
Zac Hobson, July 5th. One: there has been a malfunction in Project Flashlight with devastating results. Two: it seems I am the only person left on Earth.
Aaaaah, wire.
Math, my dear boy, is nothing more than the lesbian sister of biology.
Christians don't believe in gravity.
If you squeeze me, I make bad people go away!
Well, that activates my hilarity unit.
The good will cry and the evil will laugh. That's what they say!
Next time, prepare to take the good with the evil.
Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive survive.
It seems you've come across an alien spacecraft. Now things are beginning to make sense. More later.
Why may not the hand gesticulate to the eye, as well as the tongue articulate to the ear?
I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough.
One can't teach a cat not to catch birds.
I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Words are uttered, but fail to enlighten.
To make this mundane world sublime, take half a gram of phanerothyme.
We think in generalities, but we live in details.
A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.
Their's not to make reply, Their's not to reason why, Their's but to do and die.
Every moment dies a man, Every moment one is born.
Nōlī turbāre circulōs meōs!
Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.
I have honestly endeavored not to laugh at the actions of men, nor to bemoan them, nor to abhor them, but to understand them.
Oh! So that's the deal, eh, fellow? Well, why don't we duke it out in a melee battle of fisticuffs?
A fart is just shitting wind.
There is an artist imprisoned in each one of us. Let him loose to spread joy everywhere.
The question is how to arrive at your opinions and not what your opinions are.
If they were to put me in a barrel, I would shout glory out through the bunghole! Praise the Lord!
I can't help praising the Lord. As I go along the street, I lift up one foot, and it seems to say 'Glory'; and I lift up the other, and it seems to say 'Amen'; and so they keep up like that all the time I am walking.
I looked for myself in myself and did not find myself.
But do you wish, Lord, that I should inclose in poor and barren words sentiments which the heart alone can understand?
Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry.
Come on baby. (And she had no fear.) And she ran to him. (Then they started to fly.) They looked backward and said goodbye. (She had become like they are.) She had taken his hand.
Just as you cannot do very much carpentry with your bare hands, there is not much thinking you can do with your bare brain.
The love the liveliest, the life the lovliest.
How many years can a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea?
One push of the button and a shot the world wide. / And you never ask questions when God's on your side
I don't believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.
Always err on the side of what's awesome.
Not all bits have equal value.
Genies of death, patiently awaiting the rubbing of the lamps.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
From somewhere, a transmission...
I was so smart when I was a kid that I learnt that I was dumb fast.
Look down at me and you see a fool; look up at me and you see a god; look straight at me and you see yourself.
To the dumb question 'Why me?' the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply: Why not?
Don't wipe my memory! I keep all the stuff I remember there!
Aren't you supposed to follow the Three Laws?
It's a level eighty female-only persuasion spell. We try not to overuse it.
If you don't relax your face muscles, you're going to invert your entire skull.
I would rather understand one cause than be King of Persia.
Just because you are unique does not mean you are useful.
Why don't you let the word 'machine' conjure up images of patterns of dancing light rather than of giant steam shovels?
God is powered by irony.
I have reservations about reconciling a quantum mechanics thought experiment with Egyptian mythology.
I must decline your girlish advances, as your brain is filled with sawdust and lies.
I am 87% confident you will burst into flames.
Arousing from the most profound of slumbers, we break the gossamer web of some dream.
Ignorance exists in the map, not in the territory.
I like your tactics. They are similar to mine.
We don't like it when the city pigeons break wings. When the pigeons break wings, then we can't get down.
I'm the voice inside your head you refuse to hear. / I'm the face that you have to face, mirrorin' your stare.
So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin' / Hopin' for the best / Even think I'll go to prayin' / Every time I hear 'em sayin' / That there's no way to delay / That trouble comin' every day
What will you do if the people you knew were the plastic that melted, and the chromium too?
He's fine! The dreadlocks saved him!
If you don't move your own tounge, no one else will do it.
If it is to close your eyes that you seek, to become deaf to the truth, to dismiss the obvious - then you have succeeded most thoroughly.
Holding a key, you may infer the existence of a lock. However, do not make the mistake of assuming that yours is the only key.
There is no greater joy than soaring high on the wings of your dreams, except maybe the joy of watching a dreamer who has nowhere to land but in the ocean of reality.
When the rubber meets the road, we're really cooking with gas.
Wikipedia is always there for you, like a reliable friend with a heroin stash.
Your arm's only physical when you're thinking about it.
There's a fine line between serenity and ennui.
*puckered lips* *head twitch*
Wherever you wander, wherever you roam, be happy and healthy and glad to come home.
What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
You don't have to know to understand, if you come from a faraway star. If you feel like a stranger in a strange land, that's probably who you are.
If you really wanna see inside your mind, / open every door you find.
I'm a 57% pure Homer Simpson ninja.
The wheel is turning and you can't slow down. / You can't let go and you can't hold on. / You can't go back and you can't stand still. / If the thunder don't get you then the lightnin' will.
In the Country of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is King.
The wind was the scream of a great mad bird, as it flapped its immense wings.
We are brothers of the boulders, cousins of the clouds.
Well, I haven't learned to pick up rocks, which is a very embarrassing thing for a geologist.
Ah! You seen one Earth, you've seen them all.
The lulling drone of reassuring voices / Tunes to take away your choices / Make you slaves to fancy words and phrases / Until you're pushing up the daisies
Everyone is guilty, though not everyone is bad.
The fire's burned, the ashes spread / The lifted light hears all that's said / We are undead
How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
Simplicity in operation—because the masses are not mechanics.
Our bullets to Batmans ratio is fucked.
To fathom hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic.
Star X, spectral class G0, 4 planets plus debris.
Theories are not so much wrong as incomplete.
Sometimes what we know gets in the way of what could be.
Being prepared to receive what thought is not prepared to think is what deserves the name of thinking.
Now I get it.
The lawyers insisted.
At least it's not polio.
A semaphore is like a nightclub: it has a certain capacity, enforced by a bouncer.
The dead escape death in heaven, and the living escape life in dreams.
If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance.
If you wish to study a granfalloon, just remove the skin of a toy balloon.
Tiger got to hunt, Bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, "Why, why, why?" Tiger got to sleep, Bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand.
We do, doodley do, doodley do, doodley do / what we must, muddily must, muddily must, muddily must. / Muddily do, muddily do, muddily do, muddily do / until we bust, bodily bust, bodily bust, bodily bust.
Ubi dubium, ibi libertas.
Astra inclinant, sed non obligant.
So the world is spinning faster. Are you dizzy when you're stoned? Let the music be your master. Will you heed the master's call?
Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace, whose sounds caress my ear. / But not a word I heard could I relate, the story was quite clear.
Dear Lord, forgive me the sin of arrogance, and Lord, by arrogance I mean the following...
Damn you, quantum physics!
The world is a sensitive place. You need to use non-denominational festive salutations.
Not many people know, but after Vatican 2, Hell became kickass!
I'm sure with the proper training, a bear could probably hold its own in a firefight.
I'm a woman, and sometimes, that's hard!
Christmas in Hell is great. Instead of turkey, we have doom!
One can see no farther into a generalization than just so far as one's previous acquaintance with particulars enables one to take it.
Could you tell a wise man by the way he speaks or spells? / Is this more important than the stories that he tells?
Could you condemn a man if your faith he doesn't hold? / Say the colour of his skin is the colour of his soul?
My frozen toes are beginning to melt, I believe I'm catching a cold. / Got oil on my feathers and I can't fly, I gotta get back to your love.
I'm a clown without a circus. There's no one to see my act. / I can laugh and sing and stand on my head. Nobody knows where I'm at.
Man, man, your time is sand. Your ways are leaves upon the sea. / I am the eyes of Nostradamus; all your ways are known to me.
Just no place to run and hide. Time is right for quittin' time.
Some people become so expert at reading between the lines they don't read the lines.
There is a river in the ocean.
That's what windows and m4d ninja skillz are for.
Laughter may be the best medicine, but it's no substitute for the Heimlich maneuver.
I'm so metal I piss mercury.
Weaving Spiders Come Not Here
Nullius in verba.
Science Finds, Industry Applies, Man Conforms
Ec a u7lqć ližć
The doors of heaven and hell are adjacent and identical.
Leave your armor behind. / Free your vulnerable mind.
You've got your own homegrown philosophy. / It works for you, but please don't try to make it work for me.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
What did the tree learn from the earth to be able to talk with the sky?
Another roof, another proof.
I've finally stopped getting dumber.
Good runners still get tired; they just get tired at higher speeds.
Is this bass really strong enough?
If an advisor says to me 'My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?', I will reply 'This.' and kill the advisor.
My force-field generators will be located inside the shield they generate.
The explanation of a lesser entity in terms of a greater one is a perversion of what it means to explain.
The Internet is filled with people trying to make a name for themselves by breaking your code, crashing your site, posting inappropriate content, and otherwise making your day interesting.
Every sentence deserves a good save.
The radiation from your monitor will not replenish you, no matter how long you sit in front of it.
File! Exit! Format C! Enter! Yes! Enter!
Written laws are like spiders' webs; they will catch, it is true, the weak and poor, but would be torn in pieces by the rich and powerful.
The bell that rings inside your mind / is challenging the doors of time.
There are no save points when it comes to ladies, honey.
Apparently knowing someone's name doesn't make it easier to set them on fire with your mind.
You try being funny when your life is flashing before your eyes!
That is what a 404 error feels like.
Does the outer space into which we dissolve / taste of us at all?
A million people can call the mountains a fiction, yet it need not trouble you as you stand atop them.
Sup dawg, I herd u didn't liek forming babby, but I accidentally in your base.
Some nights typing '*hug*' just doesn't cut it.
Things are rarely just crazy enough to work, but they're frequently just crazy enough to fail hilariously.
Communicating badly and then acting smug when you're misunderstood is not cleverness.
Do not meddle in the affairs of webmasters, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
I may be full of crap, but it's superior crap.
My curiosity and patience just ran out simultaneously. Have fun.
It will be happened, it shall be going to be happening, it will be was an event that could will have been taken place in the future.
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.
I am going to a commune in Vermont and will deal with no unit of time shorter than a season.
Words are our servants, not our masters.
There is no obvious limit to human gullibility.
We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born.
Physics is to math what sex is to masturbation.
Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause.
How shall the Shown pretend to ken aught of the Showman or the Show?
Conquer thyself, till thou hast done this, thou art but a slave; for it is almost as well to be subjected to another's appetite as to thine own.
The heavens above do not equal one half of me. Have I been drinking soma?
Narrowness of experience leads to narrowness of imagination.
Every pulpit is a pillory, in which stands a hired culprit, defending the justice of his own imprisonment.
Here's insanity. Here's genius. You're somewhere.
Noe 2 thynges can be moare equalle.
Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
Beyond yonder oak is a lady...
You have bad case of the suffering. Yes. I recommend happiness.
Loserdom is a bottomless pit of infinite lameness.
Whoever invented boredom must've been mad at life for being so amazing.
The soup of life is salty enough without adding tears to it.
Douglas Adams thinks space is big; maybe he should have used Asimov's bibliography as an analogy.
Take it easy, dude. But, take it!
My life isn't my message, my message is my message.
I'd rather be a climbing ape than a falling angel.
Calling all. This is our last cry before our eternal silence.
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the TCP and DNS ideas and—ta-da!—the World Wide Web.
You don't need oxygen when you look this good!
Eternity is in love with the productions of time.
Excess of sorrow laughs. Excess of joy weeps.
Truth can never be told so as to be understood, and not be believ'd.
Loo what ſholde a man in thyſe dayes now wryte egges or eyren/ certaynly it is harde to playſe euery man/ by cauſe of dyuerſite ⁊ chaũge of langage.
Thus grief still treads upon the heels of pleasure: Married in haste, we may repent at leisure.
Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. Oh, how I wish he'd go away.
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Éí 'Aaníígóó 'Áhoot'é
In the desert, things find a way to survive. Secrets are like this, too. They push their way up through the sands of deception, so men can know them.
The system will not keep records of who sends for what; otherwise reading becomes a political act.
The Universe is notorious for not giving a shit what people think.
Existence is meaningless, but it doesn't have to be tasteless. Drink Coca-Cola.
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